Wave-on Sensor Gistern Solution

2019-02-28 10:10:16 151


• Wave-on sensor to activate water flush 

• Manual button to activate water flush


•This kit can be applied to almost all single flush toilets. The wave-on sensor is installed under the cistern cover. Four pieces AA alkaline batteries will activate water flush.

•It is totally newsensor technology. You just wave on your hands and then sensor under the cistern cover will detect the variation of the electromagnetic field. Automatic flush will be activated.

•The sensor is capable of penetrating non-conductive material.In this case,you just need to mark the sensor location on the cistern cover instead of punching a hole.


•Single flush toilets

Application Example

GIBO Sensor Faucet

Wave-on Ssnsor Gistorn High-tech Clean Bathroom Easy Operation High Recognition Rate

Spare Parts

GIBO Sensor Faucet